From the recording Amusing Ourselves to Death

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(Lyrics and music by Winston Apple)

The Shock Doctors are always on call
Waiting in the wings with ready-made plans
When disaster strikes, opportunity comes knocking
They are quick to lend a hand

Earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, or coup d’etat
It doesn’t matter what ails you
The prescription offered by the Shock Doctors is always the same
Downsize the government, privatize its functions
Turn greedy corporate pirates loose to pillage and plunder
Bust up the unions, drive the peasants off their land
Hey, I didn’t say it was a helping hand, oh no

The Shock Doctors are Masters of Disaster
They know they’ve got to strike while the iron is hot
They know they’ve got to act fast
While their intended victims are still in a state of shock

If they think you’re gonna get in their way
They’re gonna send someone to come and take you away
They’re gonna break you down and try to remake you
You’re gonna wind up naked, shocked, and abused
They’re gonna do whatever it takes to get their way
There is a madness to their methods and the mind games they play

[Enhanced interrogation techniques are described in detail in the Kubark Manuel.
Distributed by the C. I. A. Available upon request.]

The Shock Doctors think the Law of the Jungle should be the law of the land
The poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer
It’s all part of their master plan
Millions may be homeless and millions unemployed
The Shock Doctors truly believe this is the way it’s supposed to be
But we know better
We know that this ain’t the way it’s supposed to be

For many a long year now, this merry little band
Of sociopathic misanthropes has roamed from land to land
Now the vultures have come home to roost right here in the U. S. A.

They’re trying to undo the New Deal and the Great Society
Against the wishes and the interests of the vast majority
They’ve clearly got no use for genuine democracy
But it’s our only hope
We’ve got to wake up, wise up, come together and vote to stop the heartless plans
Of the -
Shock Doctors are lurking about
Coiled like a snake
Ready to strike
They’ve got lawyers, guns, and money on their side
But we’ve got them outnumbered and we’re not giving up the fight
We will come together to fight for what’s right
We’re gonna come together to make a stand
We gonna foil the plans of the Shock Doctors

© 2011 Gary Winston Apple
Used by permission. All rights reserved.